Share the Road, Florida Bike Law and Cyclist Rights vs. Cars
Can't we all just get along? It seems easy enough. Our legislature in Tallahassee has passed bicycle laws that protect Florida cyclists and give us the same rights as cars. So what is the issue? It appears that Florida's Share the Road law is difficult to implement in practice. Thankfully, local bicycle clubs are spreading the gospel and improving bicycle rights in Florida.
The Problem: Bicycling in Florida is Very Dangerous
The US Department of Transportation ranks Florida as the most hostile state to cyclists. In 2011, there was an average of over 6 bicycle wrongful deaths per 1 million people in Florida. These figures do not include the many other Florida bicycle crash injuries which cost our state millions in Florida bike accident lawsuits.
The Solution: Improve Cycling Conditions in Florida
Getting a Share the Road Florida license plate benefits bike safety in our state.
The North Florida Bicycle Club is increasing awareness of the dangers of Florida cyclists face when riding a bicycle around the Sunshine State. The North Florida Bicycle Club joined the "One Road" initiative a year ago, which covers Clay, Nassau and Duval County. The group has taken out billboards across the Jacksonville area to inform both cyclists and drivers that they need to share the road. The group also hands out handheld booklets on Florida's bicycle laws so that cyclists can learn about their rights in using the same roadways as motorists. The President of NFBC also questions the lack of education on bicyclist rights for new drivers. A standard driver's education course for teenagers is replete with information on how to deal with other motorists, but barely touches on bicycle rider safety.
FL Law on Bicycles and Roadways: Share the Road
Florida bicycle law is clear: Motorists must share the road.
Lots of car and truck drivers complain about bicyclists cycling on Florida's roadways. "Why can't they cycle on the sidewalk? They should not be on the road!" These are common motorist complaints. Some motorists will honk their horn as the pass bicyclists in an attempt to bully them off the roadway. However, the law in Florida in clear: cars and bikes need to share the road. If the lane is wide enough, the cyclist should ride as close as he safely can to the right of the lane. The vehicles should respect the bicyclist and ride in the center left of the lane. The problem with Florida's roadways are that most are not large, 14 foot lanes capable of sharing. Unfortunately, most Florida roads have 10 foot lanes, which do not permit a bicycle rider and a car to share equally. In this instance, Florida law says that the bicycle rider may take the whole lane. Cars must wait patiently behind the bicyclist until they can safely pass him using another lane.
Florida Cycling Injuries. Speak With Us Today.
If you've been hurt while cycling, speak with a Florida cycling injury lawyer today. You may be entitled to a compensation depending on the facts of your case. Call us at 561-316-7207 to speak with an attorney for free now. We accept bike crash claims in and around the following Florida cities:
Cars must give at least 3 feet to cyclists in Florida. This is known as the Florida 3 foot law.