Florida Bicycle Crash Accident Statistics
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Statistic: Florida Bicycle Accidents are on the Rise
Maybe it is the rise in oil prices. Maybe it is a growing trend of cycling for fitness. Maybe motorists are growingly unable to share the road with Florida's bicyclists. Whatever the reason, statistics show a rise in Floridian cyclists getting hit by cars while riding bikes, as well as a rise in Florida bike accident lawsuits.
Statewide Bike Crash Statistics in Florida
From 2014 to 2021, there were over 600 bike fatality accidents on Florida's streets. During this 7 year period, there were more than 25,000 bicycle accident injuries recorded in Florida. The top 10 counties reporting Florida bike crash fatalities and injuries were:
Palm Beach
The above Florida counties account for more than 60% of all bike fatalities and injures in Florida during 2014 to 2021. In those that survived the bike accident, the most common injuries were back and neck pain (42.6%), internal organ (10.87%), closed head injury (8.82%), fracture of bone(s) (6.73%), dislocation (3%) and amputation (<1%). Based on the Florida bicycle crash statistics, more bicycle accidents occurred on Saturday than any other day of the week. Also, it appears it is more dangerous for Florida cyclists to ride bikes at night versus the daytime.
Florida Bike Crash Statistics: What Causes Florida Bike Accidents and how can we Prevent Them?
Florida Bike Crash Locations for Adults
As Florida bicycle crash attorneys, we keep up with recent Florida bike crash statistics.
More than half of Florida's bicycle accidents with cars occur due to someone failing to yield the right of way. Of this group, a majority of the adult bike crashes occur due to a motorist failing to yield the right of way. As expected, a large minority (15%) of all cyclists getting hit by cars occurs in cross walk areas.
Florida Bicycle Accidents Involving Children: Locations
Florida bicycle accidents involving children can be tragic. Children ride bicycles as a primary mode of transportation. Unfortunately, children do not have the same motor skills that adults possess.
Compare the pie chart to the right, involving child bike crashes in Florida, with the one above for adults. As one would expect, the percentage of error attributed to the bicyclist goes up when the study examines children bike riders.
Florida Bike Accident Stats; Direction of Traffic
Can you ride your bike against traffic in Florida? You can, but you may not want to. The below statistic deals with the direction in which cyclists were pedaling when they were involved in a Florida bike accident.
Florida Bike Accident Statistics Based on Number of Lanes
2 lane streets more dangerous to Florida bicyclists than bigger roads. Statistics show that more bicycle accidents occur on Florida's 2 lane streets than those with 4 or more lanes. This may be due to the fact that drivers do not have much room to avoid bicyclists on the road on a 2 lane street.
Florida Bicycle Death Statistics
Florida's bicycle fatalities have sharply increased in recent years, ahead of the national average. So why has the amount of people killed on bicycles in Florida gone up? It is hard to say. As we discussed above, more people are riding bikes in Florida. Also, Florida's drivers are not the most courteous to bicycle riders. Whatever is causing Florida's bike fatalities to increase, something needs to be done to curb the death toll. Children represent a disproportionate percentage of Florida bike riders killed by cars.
These unacceptable Florida bicycle injury statistics may also come from a large tourist population visiting the state. These tourists rent cars and rent bicycles. When drivers are on vacation, or unaware of their surroundings, their distraction levels increase. Similarly, a tourist bicycling around may not be as attentive as someone who uses a bike as an everyday means of transport.
If you or a loved one were injured or killed in a Florida bicycle accident, call us at 888-375-9998 or fill out the free case evaluator below. You may be entitled to compensation for your losses.
Where do most Florida Bicycle Accidents Occur?
Florida Bike Accident Stats: Sources
Most Florida bike accident injuries occur in Miami-Dade County, followed by Broward and Palm Beach counties.
For more statistics on Florida bike crashes, click here for Alert Today Florida.
Safer to Bicycle on Florida's Streets or Sidewalks?
The answer may surprise you. Florida bike accident statistics show that riding your bike on the sidewalk may not be much safer than riding your bike on the street. See the below Florida bicycle accident statistics which break down the bike crashes by location. What this study does not indicate is severity of injury. It is expected that those cyclists involved in accidents on the road with other cars are more seriously hurt than cyclists involved in sidewalk bike crashes.